Oh dear. I just don't really get the theme. Is it 'alasan masuk ITB' or 'alasan memilih jurusan XX di ITB'?. They are two different things. ITB was the best academic institution at that time, so this solely was already a valid reason why we had chosen ITB for university.
It is more interesting to tell why we choose a specific major for university. So this is my story.. *Indonesian mode ON*. Wkwkwkw..
So.. Gw suka sains sejak gw kecil. Yes I'm on the nerd side, wkwkwkw. But I would say that this is a privilege. My parents are well-educated (they are also ITB graduates) and very literate in science, especially in chemistry. I do remember when my mother, while cooking, told me to "1. mengupas kentang sampai kulitnya habis", and to "2. menggoreng kentang sampai benar2 matang", because the growth hormone in potato, i.e., solanine, could cause 'keracunan kentang pada manusia'. :D So, yes, I and my siblings get this privilege.
Tapi, cuma gw yg ahirnya nerusin ke sains. Both my siblings choose architecture-like studies. But all of us like science. All of them, I mean, math, biologi, kimia, fisika. For me, I especially like fisika n biologi, because I doooo like scifi books and movies. Plus as a 90 kids, I do like guys with long hair wkwkwk so I do like Isaac Newton hahahaa, I read his complete bio, so I decide to study calculus. What a freak. 😂
That was when I'm on junior high. I remember I bought a book about differential equations from Gramed, I always carry the book wherever I went wkwkw (of course without understanding anything written in there 😂). With these, I'm determined to become a physicist at quite a young age hahahhhaa:
Then, I entered high school. On the first year, finally I studied calculus:
This is the Riemann integral. I studied from university books, to have a better understanding (No, don't worry, I was never a straight A student 😁, but I do enjoy studying 😊).
However, at the end of high school, I was torn between a lot of choices. My mom wanted me to become a doctor (which I refused because of my fear of incurable disease, I know my life will be gloomy if I become a doctor). I do like art so I enter the FSRD ITB test for DKV (I didn't get it, instead I was referred to my third choice, Seni Murni. I wanted to work at Disney or Pixar and was never ready to become a pure free-styled artist, so I let it go). Then the SPMB is getting closer, but instead of physics, I was asking my parents permission to choose archeology UI! 😂 My mom got furious like: "What are you thinking? Are you going to dig dinosaur's bones? There are no dinos in an island country like Indonesia, you will never have a good-living then!" (she was an asian-tiger mom ❤). My father just laughed wkwkwkw.
So in the end I choose Fisika ITB as my first choice, and Astronomi ITB as the second. As Fisika ITB is not a top-rated choice in Indonesia, the requirement is relatively low (it's very low to be honest, so that my friends keep telling me I don't have to study for the SPMB wkwkwkw). My parents of course give their blessing with my choice, heu.
Then I enter Fisika ITB. I was never a straight A student, but like I said before, I enjoy studying. Here's the proof:
Even though I studied this hard:
Wkwkwkwk 😂
Well, here I am, finally become a physicist, focusing on the subject I really hope to understand since high school, i.e., quantum gravity, and although things had not usually happened as I expected, I would say, I don't regret choosing physics as a major in university. Sometimes I wonder if my high school, younger-self could meet the older, present-me (yes, with a time-machine I invented, wkwkwkw 😂), will she be proud of me for being consistent with my dream? Or will she be like: "Oh dear, you are only a second-rate physicist, you should have chosen to become an archeolog instead!" Wkwkwkw 😂 Whatever, as I said before, I do enjoy studying, and (I hope) will always be.
Finally, here is a bonus:
Cybird is releasing otome with Isaac Newton as one of the ikemen! 😭 (my girly-side is screaming to play, no STOP, I have papers to write wkwkwkwk, mau tunjangan dipotong emang? Get a life, me! Wkwkwkwk. It's a pity he gets a haircut in the otome, wkwkwkwk.)
Thanks for reading, anyway. Wishing you a happy life. ❤